Feb 12, 2009

how much can one Koala Bear????

Sam is saved!sneakypuppys family have been following the Victorian Bushfires with heavy hearts and a sense of disbelief that this tragedy and devastation is happening just a 4 hour plane flight away. hundreds of lives lost, thousands of families lives shattered. a million native animals have also perished. if you would like to donate, here is the Red Cross weblink: http://www.redcross.org.au/default.asp

ok, if sneakypuppy is going to be upstaged, it will only be by one of australia's own finest marsupial's, the famous and now infamous Koala Bear. mostly me mates like Kenny here live up gum trees, I mean, fair dinkum, even I don't get to sit in the hot tub like this with a cold beer and I am one SPOILT SNEAKYPUPPY!! (Mom take note, sneakypuppy not happy!)

Feb 10, 2009

sneakypuppy's wordless wednesday

(yes I talk on other days!)

Once upon a time, sneakypuppy was a sneakybabypuppy.........

Meet Me-sneakypuppy!

awwww-who's a cute puppy then????? ME, ME, ME!!!!
P.S. come back on saturday to see me star in my own video-woof::